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The Martinez General Plan Update Martinez’s General Plan is undergoing its first comprehensive update since the 1970s. Each city (and county) in California must prepare and adopt a comprehensive, long-term general plan for the physical development of the city and of any land outside its boundaries which bears relation to planning for its future. When a city creates a general plan, hearing the voices in the community is essential. All members of the community are encouraged to participate. Over the next two years City decision-makers, City staff and the community will be working to update the City of Martinez General Plan that will guide land use and development over the next 20 years in the City. While there are specific topics that must be included in a general plan, the City of Martinez General Plan is intended to do much more than merely meet legal requirements. The City’s General Plan exists as our community’s statement of its fundamental values and our shared vision for future development. It is intended to articulate how we, the citizens of Martinez, view the community, now and in the future, and, most importantly, how the community intends to deal with current and future planning and development issues. (Scroll to the bottom of this page for additional information on the update)


We would like to collect your comment sheet so that we can document your comments as part of the City’s General Plan Update process. These questions/forums are part of the initial community outreach process and cover our COMMUNITY VALUES and our VISION FOR THE FUTURE.* Your responses will help us define what you want the Martinez General Plan to accomplish. It is an opportunity for you to tell us what is important to you as the new General Plan is developed. We want to know what you think! What places or features of Martinez do you like? What places or features do you not like? What seems to be missing? What places could be made better? How do you see the City of Martinez in the future? We will be using your input to help create the City of Martinez 2030 General Plan — “Martinez 21st Century.” Comments will be collected until SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 2011.

*To ensure that the General Plan fits within our overall goals, we are developing a WORKING VISION for Martinez in the year 2030. A VISION is a way of looking at the future. It is a dream about the future, shared by the community. A successful VISION paints a picture of the type of place we want to live, work and play in. Our VISION is more than just a description of what we hope to see in Martinez; it also describes the legacy we hope to achieve and defines the way we want to work together to create a more livable community.

What do you like least about Martinez that you would like to see improved?

Feedback and Knowledge Base


The City of Martinez encourages you to attend one of the following General Plan Update Community Workshops to share your thoughts in helping shape the future of the City. Workshops will be held from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at these dates/locations:

-Tuesday, November 30, 2010 • Martinez Junior High School • 1600 Court Street
-Thursday, December 2, 1010 • John Swett Elementary School • 4955 Alhambra Valley Road
-Tuesday, December 7, 1010 • Morello Park Elementary School • 1200 Morello Park Drive
-Wednesday, December 8, 1010 • Hidden Valley Elementary School • 500 Glacier Drive

How Can YOU Be Involved? STAY INFORMED

There will be other opportunities later on in the process for you to provide your comments on possible strategies and important choices on how we can maintain and enhance what we value about Martinez as a community. Please make sure you add your name to the sign-up sheet so you are added to the GENERAL PLAN MAILING AND EMAIL LIST. If you have any questions or want to stay involved by being placed on the City of Martinez GENERAL PLAN MAILING AND EMAIL LIST, please contact: Terry Blount, Planning Manager, City of Martinez Phone — 925.372.3534 • Email —

Major steps in the update process include:

-Community Outreach/Workshops in Fall of 2010 — Intended to identify important issues and overall goals for the General Plan Update.
-Community Outreach/Workshops in Early Part of 2011 — Intended to provide feedback on alternative strategies and approaches to physical development issues in the City.
-Community Outreach/Public Hearings Later 2011 and First Part of 2012 — Review of Draft General Plan proposals and eventual adoption of the updated City of Martinez General Plan.

Thank you very much for your time and thoughts in helping to make Martinez a better community!